Thursday, November 13, 2003

I’m beginning to think I ought to have a separate section in this blog just to document what I eat. Actually I was really good last night, didn’t eat too much of the mystery soup I made on Monday. I’ve begun to go off it and think it’s probably past its sell by anyway. But there is still tons of it left. If you ever need to feed 10 hungry people for no money this is how you do it:

8 x Oily fish (mackerel / sardines)
1 x 500g Packet pearl barley
1 x Stem Celery
2 x Onion
1 x Hot chile
5 x Garlic clove
2 x Pint vegetable / fish stock
Sesame Oil

Gut fish and reserve heads, tails and roe. Place these in a saucepan of water and simmer. Lightly fry fish to allow easy removal of bones and reserve flesh and any crispy pieces of skin. Finely chop celery, onion & soften in a frying pan with the sesame oil. Remove fish heads and tails and place the remaining broth & roe in a large cooking pot. Add the remaining ingredients except the barley, and 4 pints of water. Simmer for ~1 hour. Add the barley and simmer for ½ an hour – 45 minutes topping up as needed. Season.

I concocted this on Monday (although the proportions were a bit different). I think with bread it really would feed 10 people, provided of course they weren’t complete lard arses / Antarctic explorers and will definitely cost less than £10 to make.

Anyway, I’m sick of it now. When there’s only one of you eating it because your flatmates are shying away from it like you offered them a bowl of Nero’s whiz (what’s wrong with them??) it does go on a bit. And on and on and on. In fact just thinking about it sitting in it’s cauldron on top of the cooker is giving me the wig a bit.

So actually I wasn’t being ‘good’ when not eating all that soup, I simply couldn’t face more than 2 bowls of it. So I has a few slices of soda bread with extra runny camembert and a couple of cans of Grolsch to make up for it.

Does anyone want any soup?

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